Medical Billing Companies in the United States
November 12, 2019
PCL is a Medical Billing Company that has been operating in the United States for over 22 years. Although we are approached about outsourcing our services on an almost daily basis, it is important that we stay in the country we serve. Medical billing in the United States is ever changing and companies in other countries cannot begin to understand the challenges that we face. Just understanding coding is not enough. In the US the medical billing is not only specialty based but also dependent on a firm understanding of all of the carrier specific details. For instance, if a company does not read and learn the guidelines for United Healthcare and only depends on "coding" they would never find out that in fact this particular carrier does not follow normal coding guidelines in many instances. For example, did you know that without a modifier -25 on an evaluation and management code at the same time as a diagnostic ultrasound the evaluation and management code will be denied as inclusive to the ultrasound. As incorrect as this coding methodology is, this is specific only to United Healthcare and its affiliate companies. Outsourcing Medical Billing is not always an easy thing to do for a physician practice, but it can be financially the smartest thing for the practice. When you hire a company like PCL you can be sure you will receive the best service and return for your hard work. Will there be the same quality service from a company overseas? I think not, but it is definitely something to think about when considering a Medical Practice Management company such as ours.
Kathy A. Barnes, President, PCL Inc